Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Where has the time gone?

What time is it? What day is it? My computer clock says Wednesday 9:27am, but my hotel clock says 10:25pm. That means the school day is just beginning for you all back home, but I, on the other hand, the other hand on the other side of the earth- I am getting ready for bed. Tomorrow when I wake up it will still be Wednesday in Alexandria, but Thursday in Tokyo. Where has then time gone? What have I been doing?

Orienting myself, or so the organizers of this well planned program say. (It's funny how after so many orientation sessions I feel most disoriented! I'm sure it will all pay off in the end, but right now my head is swirling and every thing is a blur. I am so tired I can hardly type this out, but I wanted to post something to let readers know that I made it across safely and am already experiencing a ton of new things such as the fact that people drive and walk on the left here. (I keep having close calls, almost colliding with people in hallways, stairwells and the street because of my American habit of moving to the right in order to move out of someone's way.) I will write about more soon, but now I must go to bed.



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